ISA Automotive Consumer Protection Services
Consumer Protection / Lemon Law
ISA will perform an inspection and evaluation of the client's vehicle in order to provide a detailed written report documenting any existing conditions along with high quality digital photos. Our expert inspection reports show the non-conformity of the client's vehicle under their states Automotive Lemon Law or Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act which provides substantial physical proof needed for arbitration or litigation.

ISA also provides expert reports to use at arbitration hearings and trials along with our expert witness testimony. We can provide expert reports based on case files and /or inspection of the vehicle or components involved in a particular case. These reports will provide you with the support needed to arbitrate opposing council's reports from their experts.
Undercover Inspections
ISA has developed and implemented a proprietary standardized inspection process that has been successfully used in hundreds of undercover automotive investigations. This proprietary process was expanded and developed further into an undercover automatic transmission program which has been utilized to evaluate all major automotive transmission franchises and numerous independent rebuilders. ISA has a proven track record and the experience which is un-matched in this industry. This type of program allows both consumer protection agencies and franchises to monitor and evaluate the type of repairs and services being performed and determine if they are following industry standards.